Friday, April 6, 2007

Madi's Art

Madi drew this picture tonight. I'd like to explain some of the details of the pic....

Saoudi's mouth shows lots of teeth - Madi explained this is because she's so happy. Saoudi is holding a bucket, and beside her is a well - if you look close you can see the water from the well going into the bucket.

Need for water

Over 1.1 billion people worldwide (20% of the world population) must walk more than one kilometre to find water that is often unsafe to drink. Poor water and sanitation leads to illness, keeping children from school and parents from work, making access to improved water and sanitation the first step toward sustainable communities and the end of poverty.

Thursday, April 5, 2007


My name is Madi. I am four. I love you. People don't have clean water and I love them. And I love you Saoudi. I collect money to give water.

Recently we made a decision to support a child through World Vision that is close to my two daughter's ages (they are 2 and 4). Madison looked through the images with me and selected three year old Saoudatou - we call her Saoudi!

When I read to Madison and Eden about the need for clean water in Saoudi's village Madi was sad to hear there are people who do not have clean water. That was months ago, but it impacted her greatly. Anytime she finds money she says she is collecting it to help give clean water. Today she announced she wants to have a water sale - we're going to buy bottles of water for her to sell to raise money for World Vision.

If you live near us and would like a bottle of water from Madi - she'll likely have them with her at most times.

If you don't live near us, you can make a donation to World Vision. I was going to say you could send a cheque to Madi's water fund but didn't know if that was appropriate.

Madi would love to hear from you so please leave a comment!